@ 20 Adekunle street, Isolo Lagos

Celebrating 10 years of His Grace Cathedral Dedication

An Engineer became a Prophet and Preacher of the word of God. While working Prophet Dr.Stephen Debo Olagunju loves evangelism and this has taken him round the nooks and crannies of the western part of Nigeria preaching the word of God.
In his living room Prophet S.D.Olagunju holds a prayer meeting as inspired by the Holy Spirit by a group called Praying Revivalist Group.

Apparently, the voice of providence kept calling for subsequent meetings, a better and larger location was required. The praying group then moved to #20, Adekunle Street,Isolo Lagos. Here, the teeming crowd of believers grew in even more amazing proportion.

A.C.P.I.C. INC. Began as a Praying Group
The praying group led by Prophet Stephen Debo Olagunju in September 1986 was offered a chapel measuring 80ft by 50ft by Late Chief Abolade Olatunji Coker on his landed property at #20 Adekunle Street, Isolo - Lagos state Called House of Prayer for all Believers’ then with a numerical strength of less than a hundred.

The then Chapel has now been transformed into the International Headquarters of the Anointed Christ Power International Church Inc. of which Prophet.Dr.Stephen Debo Olagunju is the General Overseer.
The name “Anointed Christ Power International Church Inc.” was revealed to
Prophet S.D.Olagunju and was officially registered in the year 1989.
He (Prophet Dr.S.D.Olagunju) by the virtue of Gods’ grace upon him ordained late Chief Abolade Olatunji Coker as
Reverend and was honoured with a Doctor of Divinity by University of Texas in the church.
History of the church

At various meetings, the power of God came down and verifiable miracles began to happen in the lives of the attending brethren. The power of God began to evangelise the prayer meetings and a spiritual explosion began with people coming from far and wide to seek the face of God. All these led to then necessitating expansion of the church which is now the church cathedral with thousands of worshippers.

Even at the new cathedral, believers and those seeking help kept coming leading to a very large congregation. This situation posed a challenge of crowd, growth and expansion management to the leadership of the church. Thus, under the direction of the Lord, A.C.P.I.C.Inc.evolved a strategy of a network of branches around the nation Nigeria. Till this day and across the nation Nigeria A.C.P.I.C.Inc.has becameone of the fastest growing

churches in the city of Isolo and still spreading to other state is profoundly visible and greatly impactful.
As the name implies the Church is primarily a power manifestation ministry with Prayers as her golden key to lock and unlock, and a deliverance based ministry.
Holiness within and without is her watch word to make heaven and take as many as possible with her.
Motto : Jesus is the head of all principality and POWER
colossians 2 : 10 
  • To  preach and teach the death, resurrection and the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Mark 16:26
  • To achieve this by living by example to the world at large.
  • To make Holiness within and without our watch word  and to follow peace with all men Hebrews 12:14
  • To be  obey Gods word. John1:8
  • To propagate the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ in-order to populate His kingdom and enlarge her coast Matthew 28: 18-20
To live by example through obedience, holiness within and without and to make heaven our number one priority by faith in Christ Jesus.

To make the world know that Jesus is the head of all principalities and Power.
Colossians 1:16



But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 6:35 KJV And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. When you have Jesus, you have it all. When you have Jesus, you are greater than King Solomon ( Matt 12:42). You have more than the whole world. Stick with Jesus because true Satisfaction can only be found in him and nothing in this world at present or in the future will ever satisfy you. Remain Blessed. contact us on:

The youth ministry is an arm of the Anointed Christ Power International Church Inc dominated by the youths popularly known as Anointed Youth. We are one big happy family united by the love of Christ. We are God’s chosen generation, we the peculiar people, we are the royal priesthood, we are the holy nation called forth out of darkness to manifest God’s light. It’s indeed our time to shine.
Our mission at the Anointed Youth Chapel is to raise Godly youth who are ambassadors for Christ in all walks of life.

Our Programs
Weekly:  Sunday worship service (9am to 11:30am) @ The Anointed Youth Chapel  

Monthly: Every 2nd Friday of the month, we host the Anointed Youth power vigil.  
Time: 11pm to 3am

Yearly: Easter Retreat and Picnic (Good Friday and Easter Monday), Anointed Youth Annual conference (2nd week in September)

  • Anointed Christ Power International church Inc.
  • 20 Adekunle street, Isolo - Lagos,

Donations/Tithe/Vows / Offerings to First Bank Nig. Plc. Anointed Christ Power Int'l.Church Inc. 2002007966



2 Corinthians 9 : 7 Everyman according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for GOD loveth a cheerful giver. BANK NAME: FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA PLC. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2002007966 ACCOUNT NAME: ANOINTED CHRIST POWER INTERNATIONAL CHURCH

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Anointed Christ Power International Church Inc. 2002007966 First Bank Plc

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